International Universities Rankings Methodology and Determining the Position of the Kurdistan Regional Universities
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The issue of universities ranking has become an important and desirable area for study, the research and discussion as one of the academic concepts that are embodied through the methodology and mechanisms of universities in light of a strong economy based on science, knowledge and opening up to international competition, these institutions have been subjected to various comparisons and evaluations, which is known as the world university rankings. In this context, this study aims to shed light on the most important mechanisms to improve the performance of universities in the Kurdistan Region, to help university officials to take necessary steps to improve their performance and effectively participate in global competitiveness through familiarity with global rankings, The Berlin Principles (IREG) Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence for Ranking Higher Education Institutions have been presented by the International Ranking Expert Group. Regarding the position of Kurdistan Regional Government universities in these classifications, the study discusses the reality of universities in the light of international ranking standards for universities presents an analytical perspective (QS, Times, Shanghai, Webometrics, 4ICU, Scimago, Alper- Dogger, CWUR, Leiden, NTU, RUR, UI Green Metric, URAP, U.S. News & World Report, Nature Index). The paper, conducted through the use of analytical methods, presents a number of recommendations and suggestions for how to deal with these classifications in order to improve the situation of Kurdistan Regional University in the international rankings.
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