The U.S. Policy to the Kurdish Question in Iran 1960-1963 A Historical and Documentary Study
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The Kurdish National Liberation Movement in Iran is one of the significance stages of the Kurdish national movement in the Middle East particularly this period under this study, as this period is considered to be the beginning of the Kurdish national movement in Iran and their efforts to obtain the United States (U.S.) support of their issue and the U.S Policy to the Kurdish question. Hence this period is being taken into an account in order to examine the Kurdish situation and their question in Iran also the U.S. evaluation of the Kurdish national movement in Iran and the role of Kurdish movement in gathering the US and Iranian so closely.
This study attempts to show the behavior of regional power especially Iran with Kurdish question and examine the politics and evaluation of the U.S. officials considerably its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and department of State towards Kurds likewise the role of great powers namely Soviet in this context, cause the Soviet played a key role in the context of the U.S. evaluation of the Kurdish question in Iran.
In this regard This study aims to answer some relating questions such as how did the Kurdish leader’s efforts to get the U.S. support their national cause? how strong was the Kurdish question at that time? How was the Kurdish national movement influenced Iran during this period? Did the Kurdish question affect the U.S. interests? What was the soviet role in the Kurdish question?
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