Evaluation of The Current Reality of Public-School Sites in Koya City Using Multi-Standard GIS
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This study mainly aims at making use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) supported by samples of multi-criteria location evaluation model to assess the current situation of school location in Koya town. It depends on some geographical conditions and criteria that are required to obtain a suitable digital sample to clarify the current location of school buildings in the study field. Therefore, the study has relied on multilayers geographical databases to construct a model drawing on Satellite images GeoEye-2 Earth Observation Satellite with the special accuracy 0.5 meters to anticipate the necessary variables in building the geographical database within the geographic information systems. Multiple spatial analysis of geographic layers resulted in a map that can illustrate the appropriateness of the school locations based on ten variables which are: The nature of the slope, the nature of the directions, the distance from the main roads, the distance from the Petrol stations, the distance from the cemeteries, the distance from the electricity generators, the distance from the industrial area, the distance from the medium voltage lines, the distance from the sewage treatment plants, and the distance from the waste dumps. Thus, we could arrive at five locations: the location (1) is the least appropriate based on the conditions, the location (2) is appropriate, the location (3) is medium assessment, whereas the locations (4 and 5)) are regarded as the most appropriate locations to build schools on. The study recommends reconsidering the distributions of the proposed educational establishments in the study field on the basis of their determination by the spatial appropriateness models.
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