Semiotics And Hermeneutics in The Art of Painting and Contemporary Architecture Erbil Province as an Example

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Sirwan R. Ahmed


This study focuses on semiotic and hermeneutics between Contemporary painting and architecture as an important aspect of how to read text, which is shown in the form Contemporary painting and architecture, through the changes that have taken place in contemporary thought، and then the direction of Contemporary painting and architecture. He did it in general to a wider range، and for example، the changes in the form of cubism took a new direction، resulting in the destruction of all real forms. This study consists of four parts، the first is the general framework, the research paper focuses on how semiotics and hermontics work within the circle of painting and architecture. Are they important in these two areas؟ The importance of research، and the purpose of research، is to show the semiotic and hermeneutics between Contemporary painting and architecture, and the boundary of research، as well as the definitions of the terms referred to in the text of this research، but the second part of the theoretical framework consists of three sections، the first part Interpretation of the contemporary semiotic image, the second The concept of semiotics in painting and contemporary architecture, the third is the concept of hermeneutics in painting and contemporary architecture, as well as the outline of the theoretical framework، and the third part is the research methodology developed in the society of research، research tools، and the decomposing of research samples. The fourth part is the Findings, conclusions, and the list of sources.


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How to Cite
Ahmed, S. R. . (2024) “Semiotics And Hermeneutics in The Art of Painting and Contemporary Architecture : Erbil Province as an Example”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 195-204. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n1y2024.pp195-204.
Author Biography

Sirwan R. Ahmed,  Department of  Plastic Art, Collage of Fine Art, University of Salahadin-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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