Womanhood between self-consciousness and the desire for equality, the poems of Zainab Khadem Sujadeh as a case study
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The research entitled "Women between Self-Awareness and the Will for Equality" represents an ontological attempt to contemplate the issue of women and the principles that shape their thinking. Employing a descriptive and analytical methodology, the study is divided into two parts. In the first part, contextual factors leading to the emergence of the feminist movement and its main ideologies concerning women's issues are presented, along with an analysis of participants' viewpoints and the contradictions inherent in their thought processes. The second part of the research is dedicated to analyzing the poetry of Zainab Khan, providing a discussion of the rational ideas behind her poetic expressions. This study elucidates the concepts and perspectives Zainab Khan holds regarding women and the opposite sex, which fundamentally differ from those prevalent in mainstream feminism.
The research raises pivotal questions, such as where Zainab Khan situates the presence of women vis-à-vis "the other – man," and it posits another hypothesis for this study: do the poems of Zainab Khan adhere to the same consciousness prevalent among women in the modern era, or do they embody a more essential consciousness that distinguishes them from the existing awareness? Furthermore, it explores the societal standing of women and the basis for such a statement, as well as the differentiation between the voice of a female thinker and that of an ordinary woman.
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