The Relationship Between ''Social Capital'' and ''Makeup of University Girls'' A Field Research in Public and Private Universities in Erbil
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This study aims to investigate the relationship between university girls' makeup and social capital, and how they influence each other. Given the quantitative nature of the research, it relies on the social survey method, which is the most suitable data collection tool for this type of study. The sampling method employed was a two-stage process: the first stage used stratified random sampling, and the second stage employed simple random sampling. A questionnaire was distributed to 402 female students from both public and private universities in Erbil. The data was analyzed using SPSS. The analysis revealed a direct relationship between "social capital," as derived from Pierre Bourdieu's theory, and the "makeup of university girls" in the Kurdistan Region. University girls, being young and many of whom are unmarried and have not yet entered the workforce, compete academically to achieve higher grades. As Bourdieu emphasized, in order to avoid losing in this competition, they often turn to appearance, beauty, and makeup. The linear regression model, linking these two variables, showed that their mutual influence is approximately 25%. This means that social capital can account for 25% of the variance in university girls' makeup. Further studies are recommended to identify additional factors influencing this relationship.
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