Armenian Issue in the New York Times Paper (1877-1898) A Historical Paper

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Hoshmand A. Mahmood
Saman H. Ahmed


Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the issue of Armenia was one that was becoming more and more complicated day after day. The large powers were getting involved in the issue too. At that time, the United States, whose interests in the Middle-East region and the Ottoman Empire were increasing, was following the issue because of its interests and religion. For these reasons, the New York Times paper, the most famous newspaper at that time and that was as an organ of the United States politics, paid a lot of attention to this issue. It published many articles on this issue. Our present research is examining the issue of the Armenians as it was dealt with in the New York Times paper between (1877-1898).


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How to Cite
Mahmood, H. A. and Ahmed, S. H. (2018) “Armenian Issue in the New York Times Paper (1877-1898): A Historical Paper”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), pp. 96-107. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v1n1y2018.pp96-107.
Author Biographies

Hoshmand A. Mahmood, Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Hoshmand Ali Mahmood Shekhany is a Lecturer at the Department of History, where he joined the work at Koya University since 2004. In (2006) he got an MA degree in History at The Koya University. In 2012 he got Ph.D. at the University of Sulaimani. During his work at Koya University.

Saman H. Ahmed, Department of Social Science, College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

 Saman is an Asst. Prof. holding (Ph.D.) degree in modern history, teaching in the School of Baisk Education at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq


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