Trends of Rudaw's Weekly Press Discourse in Raising Public Awareness of National Issues An Analytic Study with Reference to Western Kurdistan News in Octoboer 2019
This research is an attempt to present and discuss the subject of the journalistic discourse in the Kurdish press and educating the public on national issues, which are determined by the political and economic framework of the country through the elements of national sovereignty, international relations and economic policy. Citizen, the land and the country together so the researcher considered stop to search the facts related to the process of communication and those messages addressed to the general public through the press institutions lead us to reach the results in a scientific description and accurate analysis of the subject by which the researcher means As long as one of the scientific methods used in communication research based on the method of content analysis and questionnaire in the form of fieldwork in order to obtain the desired results. One of the most important results obtained by the researcher is the need for a unified press letter applied in all media institutions in order to preserve the safety of citizens and the security of the country, for it is observed that the Kurdish media do not adopt a unified view concerning national issues, in this case, the news on the Western Kurdistan. This approach to national issues should be eliminated and the Kurdish media should adopt a uniform media discourse in addressing such issues in order to crate a sense of national settlement and security.
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