Shams al-Din al-Shahrazuri - The Forgotten Philosopher An Attempt to Compose His Intellectual Biography
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Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Mahmoud al-Shahrazuri (died after 687 AH / 1288 CE) stands as one of the overlooked luminaries in the realm of philosophy. He was a trailblazer of enlightenment thought in the Islamic world, emerging under the influence of the slain Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi (587 AH / 1191 CE), who is widely regarded as the leader of this intellectual movement. Al-Shahrazuri introduced and expounded upon the principles of this philosophical current through a series of profound and influential works. He endeavoured to elucidate the intellectual significance of this mystical approach, rooted in the concepts of aesthetic discernment (taste) and spiritual revelation. This stood in stark contrast to the prevailing philosophical current known as the Peripatetic tradition, championing rationality and logical argumentation, with Ibn Sina being one of its prominent figures. Despite the pivotal role played by al-Shahrazuri and the significance of his texts in the philosophical domain, his biography remains shrouded in obscurity, rendering him an enigmatic figure in the historical context he inhabited. Our only source of knowledge lies within his writings, which unveil his spiritual experiences and intellectual evolution. Thus, this study endeavours to engage with al-Shahrazuri's texts, reflecting his stance and personal encounters with Islamic philosophy and mysticism, liberating them from the pedagogical framework in which they were initially formulated, and recontextualizing them within the realm of his intellectual journey. Our objective is not to delve into the intricacies of his philosophical ideas but rather to illuminate the embodiment of his persona within this intellectual paradigm. Consequently, he emerged as one of the foremost luminaries and erudite scholars of illuminative philosophy in this field. To delineate a lucid portrait of his intellectual biography, we have employed the chronological sequence of his books as historical touchstones, as they pose poignant inquiries regarding the academic life of their author. Furthermore, we explore the intellectual impact exerted by al-Shahrazuri on the subsequent school of illumination, which held sway in later times. Lastly, we deliberate upon his standing among philosophers of subsequent generations.
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ابن أبي أصيبعة، أحمد بن القاسم الخزرجي،١٩٦٥،عيون الأنباء في طبقات الأطباء، تحقیق: نزار رضا، دار مكتبة الحياة – بيروت.
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