Audio Excerpts in Mam Jalal's Presidential Speeches: Selected Samples
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The oral discourse is a rich field for knowing the various vocal features including the syllable, stress, intonation, and some others. By knowing those features, the direction that the discourse takes will be better known; This study entitled: (Audio Excerpts in Mam Jalal's Presidential Speeches: Selected Samples), deals with the semantic aspects of the multiple syllables in Mam Jalal's speeches and their expressive intentions and its impact on the audience.
Besides, the study showed this through the scientific plan which has been divided into two sections, the first section is for the theoretical aspect, in which it sheds light on the syllable and its implications in the phonetic system, relying on the scholars’ perspectives, and the second section focuses on the practical aspect of the research. As we have analyzed two of Mam Jalal’s presidential speeches from (2005-2012) a cross-sectional analysis was used to find out the inferences from Mam Jalal's resort to the use of various phonetic syllables in his selected speeches from the two research samples.
During our enumeration of these two oral discourses, we noticed the existence of three types of syllables, which are short syllables and long syllables, both open and closed ones, in various numbers, as they affected the quality of rhetorical performance in terms of speed, slowness, closure, and openness so that we could reach the general meaning of the discourse and reveal the purposes of Mam Jalal’s vocal expressions that he adopted. In addition, a statement about the psychological state in which he experienced of anxiety, hesitation, and pessimism towards the harsh conditions in which the Iraqis live because of the bad security conditions that affected the lives of the public in all aspects.
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