The Relationship (between) of Education to (and) Coexistence The Mediating Role of live Style
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The main purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between education and coexistence, and the role of live style as mediation. To this end, a descriptive method using a survey design was employed and disproportionate stratified sampling was used. The research sample includes 400 boys and girls from Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian and Turkmen minorities. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling was used, which was implemented with the use of AMOS software. The results of the study revealed that education has a positive effect on coexistence in school with the effect size of 0.945 standard deviations. It was also shown that Lifestyle plays a partial mediation role between education and coexistence in school. By adding lifestyle to the model, education still has a direct effect on coexistence, and it has an indirect effect on coexistence through lifestyle. In this research, there are not significant difference between male and female. But among the ethnics, there is a significant difference between Kurds and Arabs in the aspect of commitment to norms. It was also shown that among the dimensions of education, only commitment to norms had an effect on education, whereas the other dimensions have an effect as a package on coexistence. This indicates that education should be directed at students as a complete package in order to have its effect. Also, a significant difference was observed in aspect of social trust between Kurds, Arabs and Turks.
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