Components and Principles of Curriculum Development A Theoretical and analytic study
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Curricula refers to the set of information, facts, concepts, and ideas that students study for a specific purpose, or the collection of courses that schools offer to students so that they can eventually acquire specific characteristics. In the early twentieth century, new educational thinking emerged, leading to criticism of old views on studying materials and needs. These views neglected the desires, interests, needs, and attention of students, with critics arguing that the traditional educational curricula separated knowledge aspects and failed to achieve educational objectives. Consequently, opinions on the roles of schools, students, and teachers changed, giving rise to a new perspective. This perspective consider the structure of educational curricula as a set of skills acquired through learning activities. The definition of curriculum also changed, defined as all those experiences and skills that students gain under the guidance of teachers. This paper entitled " Components and Principles of Curriculum Development" aims to illustrate the components and principles that education professionals and leaders adopt to develop study curricula. To achieve its objectives, the study employed a descriptive analytical method to review subjects related to curriculum and principles of curriculum development. The paper came to the conclusion that learning objectives, content, activities and evaluations are the most important components of curricula. Additionally, it emphasized that developing a curriculum should be based on specific interests, supported by educational philosophy, and involve precise planning that considers psychological and sociological bases. The development should follow a complementary and inclusive direction, taking into account the highest interests of the sociaty.
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