Honour Killing in Erbil City; Social Factors A Field Study
Honour killing is one of oldest crimes has been carried out in human’s history, mostly by men, especially in the Middle East culture. It is important for social science researchers to find out the factors behind this horrified crime, also to what extent men see their honour and dignity in women’s gender. In Kurdish society, Honour killing is social phenomenon as it has been increased in past decade. The main question in this research is; to what extent social factors effected on increasing HK in Kurdistan/ Erbil City? Has Honour Killing become social phenomenon in Kurdish society? This research focuses on social factors like religion, culture, family reputation and status effecting on Honour Crimes in Kurdistan. The importance of this research is, It seems like every day we hear about HK and how many innocent women/men have been murdered for no reason. This topic is related to Kurdish structure and social system of Kurdistan. In spite of KRG's new law and progress in developing Kurdistan and people's awareness, the HK rate is increasing. Overall, all interviewers believed that culture is main cause and reason for HK.
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