Marvelous Realism in the Novel “The Last of the Angels” by Fadel Al-Azzawi A Socio-Semiotic Approach

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Nawzad A. Aswad
Shaho S. Fathullah


This research aims to approach the novel “The Last of the Angel” by Abbas Al-Azzawi form a socio-semiotic perspective, especially in narrative contexts in which realism meets magical and marvelous scenes. The first section sheds light on events and dialogues that reflect social reality of people responding irrationally to developments taking place in their region during a pivotal period in Iraq’s modern history. The second section approaches the nature of some collective beliefs based on superstitious and primitive thinking of groups and characters of the novel. The final section attempts to extract intellectual and cultural implications for dialogues and beliefs begin mythically, but develop dialectically towards the maturation of consciousness that can be open multiple semantic horizons.


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How to Cite
Aswad, N. A. . and Fathullah, S. S. . (2024) “Marvelous Realism in the Novel ‘The Last of the Angels’ by Fadel Al-Azzawi: A Socio-Semiotic Approach”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), pp. 261-268. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n2y2024.pp261-268.
Author Biography

Shaho S. Fathullah, Komar University of Science and Technology, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Shaho Saeed is an assistant professor of Modern Criticism and Arabic Literature, faculty member at Komar University of Science and Technology, BOD president of the Critical Thinking Foundation CTF and former MP of Kurdistan Parliament in Iraq. His areas of interest include literature, criticism, comparative studies and critical thinking. He holds a Ph.D. in Modern Criticism, M.A. in Comparative Literature and B.A. in Theology and Islamic Studies. He is a Fulbrighter and Hubert H. Humphrey alumnus of the Pennsylvania State University in the field of educational administration and Critical Thinking. He is the author of five books, six book chapters, and several articles. He teaches and gives courses and talks in English, Arabic and Kurdish languages, and has participated as a researcher, keynote speaker and panelist in several national and international conferences and forums.


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