The Impact of The Internet on Youth Social Alienation
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Today, the Internet has become an integral aspect of young people's lives, often referred to as their lifestyles. Apart from entertainment, youth in the region utilize the Internet for various services. However, excessive Internet usage can lead to feelings of alienation, a concern commonly addressed by sociologists. Alienated individuals tend to become less productive members of society and may avoid social activities altogether. This study aims to assess the impact of the Internet on youth social alienation, particularly as young people in the Kurdistan Region dedicate a significant portion of their time to online activities. The study seeks to identify the variables contributing to youth social alienation and examine the relationship between Internet usage and this phenomenon. We aim to demonstrate the significant impact of the Internet on social alienation, examining this impact through the lens of gender. To achieve this objective, the researcher conducted a social survey among young individuals aged 17-30 in Erbil, representing diverse professions and educational backgrounds. This study concluded that the themes of social isolation, anomie, and goal orientation exhibit moderate strength in relation to social alienation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Internet exerts an influence on the social alienation of young people in Erbil. Interestingly, the variables of years and hours of Internet use, as well as gender, did not display statistically significant differences.
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