The The Use of Media Hashtag (#) to Organize New Social Movements

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Hemin A. Jalal Shwani


Nowadays, hashtags are an effective tool in new media to express issues and communicate with people. This study aims to analyze the effects of hashtags as a new media tool in organizing and directing new social movements. Moreover, how hashtags can be used to build community and encourage new social movements to interact and share were examined in this study. In this study, instances of hashtags (#MeToo), (#BlackLivesMatter), and (#IceBucketChallenge) have been able to achieve social, political, and health changes in the world, and have conveyed several personalities and officials. The results of this study showed that new social movements are effectively relying on hashtags as a new and powerful tool to organize their business, especially to raise awareness of social and political issues and to encourage social change and reform. It has also become clear that new social movements must have a good understanding of how to use hashtags and deal with them responsibly and effectively. Furthermore, new social movements must have a thorough knowledge of the technical principles of hashtags on different platforms. Additionally, the findings of this study discovered that hashtags can make a social movement's topic a trending topic on social media, helping to increase the movement's global reach and make it a topic of discussion both nationally and internationally, as the #MeToo movement did.


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How to Cite
Jalal Shwani, H. A. . (2025) “The The Use of Media Hashtag (#) to Organize New Social Movements”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), pp. 113-122. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v8n1y2025.pp113-122.
Author Biography

Hemin A. Jalal Shwani, Department of Media, College of Litreature and Arts, Cihan University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Hemin Amen Jalal Shwani. He is an Assistant Lecture, teacher in the Department of Media at Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. He has a Diploma in Media, B. A degree in Sociology and an M.A. degree in Media sociology. He is a member of the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Kurdistan Sociologists & Psychologists Association, and the Kurdistan Photographer's Association. Journalist & Sociologist Skills: Writing and research, social media and website management, public speaking, Networking, Ability to work under pressure, Leadership skills, Newsgathering, News writing, Shorthand, editing skills, Storytelling, Organizational skills, Decision-making skills, Problem-solving skills, Time management skills, IT database skills, Research skills, Data Analysis, Writing skill, Communication skills. His research interests include Sociology, Media and Social Security, Media sociology, New Media. 


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