Koya Accent Boundary According to Wave Theory

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Hemin A. Shams



      The paper is entitled (Koya Accent Boundary According to Wave Theory) and consists of an
introduction, four sections, conclusions and recommendations. According to wave theory and
how it works, a form was developed that includes the linguistic levels of sound and grammar. After obtaining the approval of three teachers specializing in linguistics, it was worked on. It is worth mentioning that the researcher is a native speaker and a resident of the research area (Koya).
The form contains several phenomena and characteristics of Koya Accent. We have looked for these characteristics, in speech, phonological rules and some grammatical rules (phrase and sentences). Wherever commonalities and differences (the continuation of the linguistic phenomenon, or the disappearance of the phenomenon), are perceived within the scope of the study, the phenomenon, perceived, identified. And the data explained in tables, shapes and maps.
The people from whom the data were collected are the residents and speakers of the accent and the study area (townships and villages), aged between (22 – 70) years, educated and illiterate, of both genders and in different positions and occupations, all of which were asked by the researcher himself and recorded.
The map of this study was obtained from the Koya Municipality and updated with (Arc GIS). During the visit to the research area, we found that (8) villages are not inhabited, (5) villages are new and not on the map, and several villages have changed their names. These did not affect the flow and content of the study. We collected data from (136) places (District Center, (5) Townships, (130) Villages) and Data were analyzed using (SPSS) program. In the end, we reached several conclusions, including:
1. The accent is, in general, a mixed accent. That is, it is the place where the waves of its
neighboring accent collide, but it has its own characteristics.
2. The administrative boundaries of Koya district have not affected the diversity of linguistic
phenomena in the accent.


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How to Cite
Shams, H. A. . (2024) “Koya Accent Boundary According to Wave Theory”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 122-145. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp122-145.
Author Biography

Hemin A. Shams, Department of Kurdish, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

My name is Hemin Abdulhameed Shams. I am a Lecturer teaching in the Department of Kurdish Language, Faculty of Education at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

I have a B.A. degree in Kurdish Language & Literature, M.A. degree in Socio Linguistics and a Ph.D. degree in Socio Linguistics.

My research interest includes Socio Linguistics, Psycho Linguistics.



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