The role of the executive authority in combating administrative corruption in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq Descriptive Analytical Study

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Twana J Abdulwahd
Naheda A. Muhammed


Add to this that corruption attacks the foundations of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes, impedes the rule of law and creates bureaucratic swamps, and economic development is stunted because it is impossible to overcome the “start-up costs” required by corruption. In order to combat administrative corruption in the Kurdistan Region, laws should be activated and implemented, and translated into practical reality, in addition to the Kurdistan Regional Government carrying out many activities, taking many effective measures, and most importantly of all this, is working to implement laws in the Kurdistan Region comprehensively And for all citizens without exception or discrimination, in order to reach the rule of law and the submission of all citizens to it, regardless of their job or social status. Everyone must be subjected - including the elements working in the security and military apparatuses and party institutions - especially - the cadres of the parties controlling the government in the region - to the law and the institutions that represent it. Authority is crucial in combating administrative corruption. The scientific material was distributed on two requirements: the first is dedicated to explaining the competence of the executive authority and its relationship with other authorities according to the constitution of Iraq. The second shows the role of the executive authority in combating administrative corruption in the Kurdistan Region.


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How to Cite
Abdulwahd, T. J. . and Muhammed , N. A. (2023) “The role of the executive authority in combating administrative corruption in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq : Descriptive Analytical Study”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 360-368. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp360-368.
Author Biographies

Twana J Abdulwahd, Department of law, Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

His name is Twana Jamal Abdulwahd. He is a Lecturer teaching in the Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. He has a B.A. degree in Law, an M.A. degree in Law, and a Ph.D. degree in Administrative Law and Policy. His research interests include Administrative Law, International and National Law and Policy, Human Rights Law, and Immigration Law.


Naheda A. Muhammed , Department of law, Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Her name is Naheda Abdulghani Muhammed. She is a professor with a Ph.D. degree in general law, teaching in the Department of Law in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Koya University in the Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. She has a B.A. in Law from the College of Law, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq (1999), an M.Sc. degree in Public Finance and Financial Law in General Law (2001), and a Ph.D. degree in Public Finance and Financial Law in General Law from the University of Baghdad (2006-2007). Her research interests include Law, Public Finance, and Financial Law in General Law.



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